How To Upload Contacts Into KW Command

How To Upload Contacts Into KW Command


Importing contacts into KW's Command platform involves several key steps:

1. Accessing Command: Log in to with your Keller Williams credentials and click the Contacts icon on the left side of the page. Then, click Import at the top right of the page​​.

2. Using the Command Contact Import Template: Download the premade template, fill in contact details without altering column titles, and ensure the file is saved as a .CSV with a maximum size of 15 MB​​. Then, copy/paste or enter information for each contact and upload the file​​.

3. Importing Using a Custom CSV: Alternatively, you can use a custom CSV file with one row of column titles. After uploading the file, map the fields from your file to Command fields​​, then click Continue to proceed​​.

4. Review and Finalization: Review each contact and finalize the import. If there are issues with the data mapping, you can fix and re-import them​​.

5. Processing the Import: The import process can be instant or take up to an hour. Once complete, you'll receive a Command notification with a report on the import status, including any contacts that couldn't be imported and the reasons why​​.

This process allows you to efficiently transfer contacts into the Command system,


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